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is there a preset list of "random" colors for ID's?

| sometimes id's are hard to read when they're the really dark colors. i've looked in the awoo repository and haven't found anything. but i had to ask just incase.

| nvm. i don't know ruby but from what i've read i'm pretty sure it really is just random. ignore.

| there is a maid what always sit and gives colors to other gurls

| >>950720 you mean like how tv works? like there is always a a small person inside who draws very fast the image you see refleted

| how does someone archive such skills?

| >>950834 almost, just maid is tied in server room and forced to lick metalic thing what gives random pattern id..

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1681087409

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