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Yet another spoiler test

| Spoiler

| Awooo

| Semen

| new soykaf whatever

| ... [/

| >test failed
>Press F to fail again..

| Never done this before
hope this works

| How to do spoilers? I'm so stoopid :c

| >>843537 Write spoiler in brackets where you want to start the spoiler, then write /spoiler in brackets where you want to end the spoiler

| magic
did it work?

| poggers ?

| >>843935 it worked!

| >>843890 thanks you kind g/burg/rl!

| Are there any keywords like /spoiler that we can use?


| bigchungus

| [strike]biggusdickus[/strike]

| [burg]sumtinwong[/burg]

| [s]80085[/strike]

| [color=blue]awoo[/color]

| Die Große Zeit istnun angebrochen Deutschland ist nun erwacht!

| *E*

| [color=red]A[/c]

| [color=blue]B[/c]

| [COLOR=red]aka[/COLOR]

| [c=red]s[/c]

| [s]mama[/s]

| [color=yellow]beemovie[/color]

| [color=magenta]yeet[/c]

| [color=#FF0000]hello[/color]

| [color=#FF0000]hello[/c]

| >body[/hood]

| Awwoooooo

| are like kicking dead whales down the beach

| >>d6a0fd he's gonna crack the code for colored text - and then all of danger/burg/ will be full of color

| Wait I got Burg'd

| >>d53e66 a nice thought but idk maybe colored txt is mod locked after all

| >>f42be0 pretty sure it is

| Burg

| jhi

Total number of posts: 40, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1648581508

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