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Testing tags

| >this is a line, right?
>>this is only the first word

... ||spoiler maybe?||

| Oh... nope. All wrong.
>maybe this stops here. Right?

| .... Alright, I give up.

| it is to start a spoiler and the same with a [/ to end it

| oh

| it is [°spoiler°] with no °s to start

| [ poiler°]just like thar without spaces on start[ °poiler]

| [I love sex]

| [I love sex /]

| I love sex

| [a href="https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"]test[/a]

| [Ohh I see]

| wait gold on

| would this work tho?

| Iiiinteresting indeeed

| Wait so, >would this work />for this?

| Worth the shot

| >>808044[/spoiler]

| >wow[/spoiler]

| wow

| fuck danger/burg/
Fuck danger/burg/

| Fuck

| Fuck you

| Furrack!!!!xd

| Oh furrack xd

| Oh furrack

| H furrack

| Fuck

| Trash furrack

| Why H triggering it xd

| furrack

| Oh isn't

| fuck danger/burg/

| /burg/

| burg

| We can say fuck without furrack, but can't burg without burg

| >>808337 fuсk

| Fuck pref.

| Danger/burg/

| [Tag test, one two one two]

| /Testing/

| [/testing]

| //burg/angry burg/

| Test

| [°cock°]

Total number of posts: 45, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1638387711

This thread is permanently archived