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I wanna know how to bengin in Cyber life

| Sorry for that but i dont understand everything aaa i want to know how to create a character and how to rp basically

| i am here for 'round 5 months and still dont understand everything

| A /cyb/ regular here. Characters are created out of thin air, think of one and start playing. The pinned 'Starting out' guide is pretty handy if you're new, and it covers most things you need to know.

There is an obvious deeper lore, but those are largely unimportant until you've decided on putting your hands on them.

| So i can create a new thread and start already witout making a character before and play it that's right? And can i join a thread too?

| >>182373
Sort of. You're free to make your character, or don't. Unless you plan on going to a Setting thread, you're not required to define any characteristics of your character.

As for 'Setting' threads: they are basically the roleplay in field. So, instead of roleplaying in a board, you're playing your character in 'real life Glitch City' (or wherever.)

| Real life glitch city???
And i see that the thread to describe a character is closed

| >>182434
Yeah, Stormy (/cyb/'s resident moderator and writer) is currently working on rewriting the contents of the character-creation thread.

"Real life Glitch City", yes. When you are in a Setting thread, this means you're out of the board. You're roleplaying outside the board. It plays on the more traditional roleplaying aspect: you control your character and define their actions and such.

This means, yes, your character is in a place. If it's a bar, then you've enterer a bar.

| *entered a bar.

So, to put this more simply, when you've participated in a Setting thread, you've entered a place. There might be people already there, so they will give out a reaction or two to you. Just like real life.

| I see, thank you very much

| >>182507
No problem! For further references, you can see the 'Starting Out' guide — or heck, you can even make OOC (out-of-character) threads to ask for more details of the universe.

There's also a Wiki, if you want to know more regarding older (already passed, or is currently running) events. I always put it in the same light as a history book, so to speak.

| Just look at the Wiki. Besides, Stormy already released "starter-guide" things. Although the Character Creation thread is closed...

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1520977997

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