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what is the new tech

| i heard of it what is it

| BCI, VR, T OLED, Nuclear battery, grafite and other stuffs

| hmm what is the t oled i heard of it what is it

| >>994436 transparent oled screen. Imagine something as Xperia Pureness but larger, more advanced etc.

| >>994437 Transparent OLEDes are a new product, but not a new tech. Weren't they showcasing them half a decade ago or something?

| >>994429
>nuclear battery
bruh those things exist for like maybe 40 years already

| >>994458
Yeah, and LCD monitors have been around since 1968 but it didn't take until the 2000s until they became standard. Tis' how tech works.

| a bunch of tubes

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1705234523

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