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linux rices

| I want to rice my artix, but I'm not sure exactly what I want yet... On the one hand i can try to make something "retro" (cuz I'm an old chinkpad user), lain-pilled, rice based on dwm

on the other hand i could try to make something with fancy animations and transparency using a picom fork and take awesome wm as a basis

I really don't know what should I try (or do both but idk what to do first then)

| also you can tell me what you prefer and value in rices and stuff and your opinion in general

| i enjoy going slightly overboard on debug text and styling even gui's like the browser after the terminal just to play into the "hackerman" thing linux still somehow has going for it

| Try to make a rice that mimics danger/u/. Like a banner that changes every time you open a terminal

| >>990901 lol pretty cool idea

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1703458684

This thread is permanently archived