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Information about quantum computers

| As the title says, I needed help understanding how quantum computers work and how they are manufactured, many of the videos I see are very simple and straightforward.They explain very directly how a computer works without mentioning other parts such as parts, materials and many other specific things I wanted to see or learn how this is done So if anyone has any ideas that could help me in this situation I would be grateful (in fact I know how difficult it is but I like challenges.

| bruh I think absolutely no one at the danger/u/ knows how this magic shit works
and yeah I think it's all patended so that's the reason why there is only basic info about that

maybe try to search for scientific papers and stuff about quantum computing in general? I think you'll find something useful (or not really)

also what do you want to know exactly?

| >>990640 yeah this is basically what you want to do dumbasses here can give fun facts like they currently have to be extremely cold and a lot of the challenge is just getting and keeping them cold enough but we're not going to know all that much you're much better of reading some papers on the subject

Total number of posts: 3, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1703393577

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