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I hate technology.

| And I hate everyone using it.
CPU? More like CDs nuts, bozo, and if I wanted rams I'd move to Wales and fuck the whole lot, tysm. Monitor? Monitor my fucking heartrate because dealing with tech is going to give me a heart attack. Heatsinks – If I wanted a warm sink, I'd just run boiling water through it. And don't get me started on Peltier coolers, get those frenchmen out of my house or so help me.

| I am not even getting started on what *runs* on the hardware, because the friendliest of it is more hostile to the end-user than a suicide vest. Backdoors in your browser! Backdoors in your mouse firmware! Backdoors up your ass and to the left! What were they thinking? That's the thing, they weren't at all!

| Oh, and do you happen to be a new user? You'd like to learn how this software works? Tooltips can be helpful, but the endless recursion of tooltips on your tooltips on your tooltips, ad infinitum, invokes an Escherian feeling of endlessness that makes you feel more lost than before you started. This wouldn’t be as bad if these tooltips did not contain important information that can’t be found elsewhere.

| And may God have mercy on your poor soul if you have to work with CLI tools. Here's hoping you can read the source, because unless you can figure out what some divinely inspired monkey with a typewriter was calling a design document while on their 30th cup of gamer juice, you're shit out of cum.

| In conclusion, fuck technology, fuck you, and fuck Pref for good measure (fix your fucking software nobody is learning ruby anymore). Thank you.

| i feel you

| i want to fuck pref too

| Couldn't agree more

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1702720495

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