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Worth learning ruby on rails?

| I hear a lot of different opinions on it, its outdated, it still used a lot, learn it, don't, idk what do you random gurls think

| Please learn it and update Danger/u/. ( ;~;)

| I'm a webdev and I haven't heard Ruby on Rails being mentioned anywhere for ages. Everyone's either on JS or... well, it's mostly JS. PHP and .NET are still used in enterprise settings, and I think the cool avant garde people use Rust?

I think Ruby's a pretty fun language to use, but it doesn't scale pretty well. IF you're curious, go for it, but I don't think it's used that much professionally anymore.

| Honestly just learn django bro

| if you want to update danger/u/ then yes, totally worth it. for making a lot of money? bruh you're late for like 10 years if not 15

| >>29d523 mmh I see, thanks for your input. I know I have to learn js at some point I just keep putting it off cause I don't like the syntax of it. That sucks tho I really liked rubys style.

| yeah learn it, it's easy, and then learn something else

| >>989476
I sure hope you're not planning to get into webdev then lmao. Doing webdev without JS is like walking into the rain but not willing to be wet.

| I think Lu(n)a is better

| >>989418 don't be silly, we need people who knows how to fix outdated and abandoned things from Assembly and Machine code.. we really need better hw drivers and rewrite kernels of Linux and Windows

| One person who knows how to use Ghidra and can dump embedded software is worth a million JS pajeets.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1702484414

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