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Guys, we are out of membrane

| Originally i wanted to buy mechanical keyboard but today i found out because of smart g/u/rl that membranes better.. so i was going to pick one and i was shocked, they was cheaper than mechanical.. i was thinking about it and i found out where problem is, these "membranes" are fake, and are mechanical. And we are out of real membranes keyboards

| Never understand difference between them

| while the masses argue between membrane and mechanical, they laugh for _they_ dont want you to know about the one true anwsers hall effect mixed with bare 220v contacts you lick instead of keys

| >>987694 real

| >>987678 mechanical keyboards use "switches", they are standarized and usually called as red, green, brown, black, yellow etc. there are 2 (3) type of switches:

Linear - when you press key, force needed to press is equal for whole time

Tactile - you need to make little more force to press it, after you feel feedback or how describe it, it's more loud than linear.

Clicky - there is also this one.. i think is Tactile but is more loud? If i can be honest idk how is different

| Linear are probably friendly if you want fast response. Tactile are nice for timing (rhythm games)/typing (because you feel moment when you pressed it).. but it's about preferences. I can recommend you to try any gaming keyboard in store (from razer, steelseries, hyperx, these what look "retro" and are visually look smaller) and you should notice pressing of keys is feel different than in casual keyboard which costs usually under 20-30$.

| >>987887 tactile is made with a bump on a metal piece inside the switch you physically feel when you press

Clicky have that as well as an extra plastic piece that gets slammed down by the spring when you go past the actuation point

| brown switches feel worse than membranes so just get red or blue if you do go mech.

| >>988293 i bought brown switch with hope it will be secret membrane

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1701464414

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