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rech me some tech

| hello i have a job tgat pays and i would like to spend it on technologie what kind can i have i would like technologie that works please no Sony

| Sony

| Buy Lysimeters and Car Batteries in bulk

| scrap copper

| >>981290 can you read for once in your life just read a sentence can you read it read it read one read this for once in your life

| >>981290 i said no Sony read again

| >>981338 thanks bro

| Grammarly, it can help you learn punctuation and capitalization.

| >>981392 >>981410 Sony

| >>981410 buy a Sony PlayStation 2

| Sony Pisstation

| Buy a Playdate. Cute little console that actually fits in a pocket.

| Buy a vibrator and link it to a sony playstation

| >>981441 Thank you, this actually helps a lot!

| >>981461 This looks really cute and fun, I'll give it a try. Thank you!

| >>981449 >>981459 >>981537
Please either end your lives or learn how to read. You know which I'd prefer.

| No Sony, yes Dady

| big metal fan that's you sized.
KSC75 's with better foam, maybe a mmcx mod.

| >>981665 This sounds really "cool," haha! Could you tell me more about "mmcx" modifications?

| If you want something similar to the Playdate, check out Pokitto and/or Arduboy! :>

| >>981709
The foam makes it feel like you're wearing nothing, which is amazing.
mmcx mod (https://old.reddit.com/r/headphonemods/comments/b8jx1h/koss_ksc75_mmcx_tutorial/?rdt=63692)
let's you hook up diffrent cables possibly with inbuild mic if you wanna, which is way better then the cables they come with.
also mmcx is really realiable n solid. has a nice click and stays in place while also preventing loss of headphones or audio quality poopin itself

| with loss of headphones i meant the cable ripping

| or i guess it also allows you to just wear one of them
then someone can walk up n do a "May I borrow your earpiece"

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1698072169

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