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Picture in Picture for videocall in windows?

| Hey g/u/rls any of you know if there any way to do picture in picture for windows when I videocall my family through messenger or something?

| Yes.

| >wangbl*ws
yuck. It's easy to picture-in-picture on firefox-based browsers but if you're not able to do that on whatever videocall (((service))) you're using you can still detach that tab from your browser and set the new window to stay above the others. I have no idea how one do that on wangblows tho. Good luck.

| As >>970390 said, it depends more on whatever software you use for video call, not your OS.

If your software can't do it, you gotta pin your window to be always on top somehow. It'a not a built-in feature though. Look up Microsoft PowerToys.

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1692832683

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