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Linux is a fucking joke

| And so are you. Fuck off

| excuse you, i am the best fucking joke i've seen in my life

| >>961509 no u

| [user is operating from hannah montana os]

| Temple OS gang rise up

| Windows: Runs a lot of popular e-sports titles with anti-cheat

Linux: Doesn't

Linux wins

| a joke fucking I'm.

| Linux isn't a fucking joke! Linux is a joke that ensures you never fuck.

| I once used Linux. It was an OS of great talent. But too often systems with great talent go... unfulfilled. Linux was a thinker, a real smart OS, I guess you could say it was our hope. While I was scrambling to get out of highschool. Linux was accepted to all the best universities. It was going to be the next great. But it vanished. So years pass, I started to travel and get around. I traveled from here to there, and to here again.

| So at one point in my life, I found myself at Sea World. And so I have a guy show me to where the baby dolphins are being feed, cause who doesn't like baby dolphins? And guess who I saw! None other than Linux! So I walk up to the OS, and I say "Linux, I feel ashamed for you. You were our hope. You were to go toe to toe with Microsoft and Apple. We pinned all of Internet's hopes onto YOU."

| Now that's a terrible burden, to have a bunch of sweaty neckbeard's hopes pinned on you. So it's feeding these little baby dolphins. And I say "I'm ashamed of you Linux, you could have done so many great things." And it said "well, I think I'm serving a youthful porpoise."

| >>961527 eyo???
Temple OS gang!!!

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1688056561

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