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Recommended programming socks?

| What programming socks do you recommend for long legs, I've got some but I can't help but feel like they'd enhance my skills better if they went up to my thighs instead of just above the knee

| Programmer socks should go up to your absolute territory. Preferably pink with white stripes (white with pink stripes only if it's absolutely necessary).
If it's only the debugging that's not improving get yourself an additional rubber duck.

| sockiplast

| https://www.amazon.com/Holy-Bible-King-James-Version/dp/000725976X

| >>960916 KJV is a shit translation I personally prefer the annotated nrsv

| Condoms

| >>960921 Very true, but considering the average individual does not know Greek its always a good start

| >>960916 how am I supposed to wear these? heck, do they even stick to the leg?

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1687907003

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