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What's you're opinion on the Apple Vision Pro

| In my opinion the design looks kinda stupid

| no id rather no

| > over &5000 CAD
Yeah, they deserve to be laughed off the stage.

| I think they'll pull an apple watch and the first gen will be dropped quickly for gen 2 which will be very good... Though probably still really expensive because it's apple

| With the price, I wonder who they're marketting it for. I expected the release but everything that we've learned after the rumors has me baffled.

In my eyes, it's another way for me to sneer at Apple in disgust.

| you can buy the apple vision....
64.000 mini resin ducks on amazon
(there are a bag of 750 for $40.99)

| >$3500USD
>2 hour battery life
You can't make this shit up.

| >>958601 okay in fairness it's something you wear so you don't want a battery that's to heavy, and if you do just throw a battery bank in a backpack or something

| I think on internet are more stuff like that, but cheaper, is ok but many companies are offering great stuff.

| >>958579 Most likely the web 3 tech bros, can't really imagine anyone else both interested enough and with enough money.

| >>958604 I agree with the necessity for a small battery but the headset is tethered in some capacity and I am wondering if its to its battery or an external outlet.

Haven't looked at any promotional material besides news snippets so I don't have that info.

| >>958604 I want a battery pack that I can strap to a belt or something tbh.

| Absolutely nobody in my country except for the rich obnoxious snobs own an Apple device so I doubt it'll ever get a footing here.

| >>958579 The same people who pay for thousand dollar iphone will certainly buy this. Americans and Chinese will absolutely buy this garbage

| Google Glass: So it's like that, hug?

| just apple's hololens.. but hololens was actually good concept

| Can't wait until other tech companies like oculus or huawei to produce the same shit but sell it half of Apple price and then people will eat it up and call it good value.

| If someone was paying it for me or if I reeeally had fuck you money like that I'd absolutely pick it up. The fact that it has an M2 in it probably means it'll run most mac and iOS apps out of the box.

While I did find the concept neat you can't make me spend like 200 hours of my labour for a VR headset that probably won't even play nice with like steam vr and stuff.

| don't give a shit about it. *just* another big company giving vr shit a go. people are going retarded over it for some reason.

| Like most AR devices out there, it's obviously made for businesses first and consumers second right now. It's a (2 hour lol) workspace tool with a digital FaceTime avatar.

Apple might be working on plans for a more consumer-friendly model that's cheaper (by Apple standards of course) but that's a year out from now at least.

| >>959234 Can't wait for my 1200 dollar consumer vr rig from apple to go with my mandatoey 1500 dollar apple smartphone sex edition.

God I dread the day that comes.

| >>958818 Holy shit this is it. Its a fucking HoloLens but over-engineered and overly expensive to make it "Apple".

Now I 100% know that far too many people are going to buy it.

| The high resolution is impressive ngl. Not that I'm ever going to buy it, I'm not, but at least it's a step in the right direction.

| >>958579 from what ive gathered it seems to be solely for developers rn to get software out on the market (and people with too much money)

think it'll just be an overpriced set of glasses until the software takes off

| Lmao

| >be apple
>sell 3500$ headset
Most people can't even afford the apple vision pro so i don't know what apple is going for

| It's a boring product that will be marketed way to hard. I can't wait for it to fade into obscurity.

| It's a boring product that will be marketed way to hard. I can't wait for it to fade into obscurity.

| I'm still questioning how you would like if you do video call with thag thing on...

| >>9f248f That's gonna be a pain in the neck for sure, anyways If you don't need it, you're not gonna buy it

| There are more merch like that and for less $$, and with more skills

Total number of posts: 31, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1687096595

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