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| Where can i get complete learning programming resources
Enough to get a job in software engineering i guess

In various programming languages i guess.

| Durgasoft On Youtube Sir

| http://www.durgasoft.com/

| >>953822 that seems like a professional service sir.>>953821 not learning

| 50k-chan is so desprate that she is in /tech/ now

| >>953826 do the needful and study java sir

| If you want to make 50k, there is one surefire way. This is your best bet. If you're not willing to do this, then forget it all g/u/rl. You must learn COBOL, and get a job maintaining old, outdated banking systems in countries such as your own. There's a few places that'll teach you, and give you a job STRAIGHT out of your course, at a bank. If you don't want to do that, forget it g/u/rl.

| >>953834 okay where do i start and until what

| >>953864 on durgasoft weapon sir

| >>953822 i wish to learn css from them ;-;

| >>953842 unironically this

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1683012600

This thread is permanently archived