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| >forgot this board
https://pivotanimator.net/ is there other animation tool like this that is small like 2mb and allows for interpolation at least?

| interpolate these NUTS


| >>951500 deezu nnuuts =death note
Good enouf

Now back on to the fuckin topic

| stop swearing :(

| >>951507 i dont

| >>951507 i dont

| Flash.. if you lived 10+ years ago.. maybe premiere now? Or any 2D graphical software and make it frame by frame manually.. or maybe check around internet but pivot is probably easiest.. as when people recommend Scratch to people about making videogames

| >>951598 eh... flash isnt 2 megabytes. And other frame by frames have no interpolations.

| I'm sorry i readed only first line... It's unlikely i think, pivot is unique in this way.. 2mb is overkill requirement for niche software

| >>951609 lel. Well pivot isnt that big with interpolation so i thought something else with some tradeoff will exist...

| >>951598 Adobe Flash as an animation software has been replaced by Adobe Animate and Adobe Character Animator. Still doesn't fit OP's bill, but figured I'd let you know what Adobe's current deal is.

| >>951499 is Aesprite or other pixel animation software under 2mb? Idk if any of them have interpolation, but you can also hit your animation with an AI interpolator after you're done, if you don't care about that.

| >>951627 ai interpolator?

| >>951627 asesprite dont have tweening

| You might be able to get away with the .svg file format. It defenitely allows to interpolate stuff within a frame and it supports animation. But I don't know if it supports interpolation between frames

| >>951674 i dont think it has a simple enough of an editor.

| https://www.wickeditor.com/ may be what you're looking for

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1681682110

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