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| I am currently installing Gentoo Linux onto a USB! Sending this from the lynx browser while chrooted into /mnt/gentoo! It is a openrc musl-libc variant that I started installing 19 hours ago. I am pretty bored so I am looking for things to do, any suggestions?

| Oh god you're installing gentoo.
Pro tip: don't use flash media. It's gonna burn out!

| >>951452 thanx frien

| Lynx is pretty cool ngl

| I used to run Manjaro installed on my usb before fully switching, it was horrible, not slow but unresponsive, the cpu was at minimum 10-5% withs lots of 30% peaks...
Buying an SSD felt like switching from hdd to ssd again

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1681518488

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