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hi g/u/rls!

| I'm currently browsing the board using lynx on an old Compaq PC that'll turn 14 this year! It's running Debian GNU/Linux and doesn't have Xorg just yet. I might install it and dwm later, but I want to use this for a website server of some kind. I tried to install several different distros such as Arch, Void, Gentoo, and even OpenBSD, but they all had some kind of problem when installing. Any tips for getting these OSes running on old hardware?

| Ohh it's nice! Actual OS isn't good?
-Danger/u/ for LG Smart Refrigenator

| I mean, Debian is totally fine, I was just wondering if any of you g/u/rls had tried simlar tasks and had any tips or wisdom that might help me? Also, I'd like to hear all about your g/u/rl's setups!

| debian here
if you have really old hardware just grab an old version and let apt handle the upgrades.
if the pc is from 2009 you should try getting either lenny or etch.

| ^ is fucking retarded and can't read
but the general advice still holds.
grab a version that can be expected to support your hardware and let pacman or whatever do the rest.

| >>940757 i think that Debian is good option for hw like this. I have gaming pc from hw what was available in 2020.. i'm using Win 10 Pro, 64-Bit
-Danger/u/ for LG Smart Refrigenator

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1675833592

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