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i made a to-do app for people with adhd

| gif demo animation:

| if there is an actual program like this please link me so i don't go full autism and waste hour polishing my to-do app instead of doing my to-do tasks :)))

| Oh, so like a stacked to-do list. Pretty neat.

I know Indigrid (https://innovationdilation.com/) has similar hierarchical structure. It can work as a to-do list too.

| If it's just a programming training: Congratulations, you wrote a nice, simple and graphical enumeration tool in java!

If this is a serious approach to write a software you want to distribute: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there already are thousands of implementations of this. Please explain what makes yours different/better than those.

| Hey, that's pretty neat! I write all my notes in exactly the same way. Usually a general overview of what we're talking about in class is the first point, then you indent all subsequent points that fall under that category. Any point that falls under one of the subcatigories is indented another line in. When the subcategory is done, you go back to the last "level" of indent - the single indent. All points start with the ">" character.

| > How to make notes example
> First, open up Danger/u/
* Requires phone
> On the app store
> Next, navigate to /tech/
> Find to-do list thread
> Write in box
> Make sure it's in your notes style
> Say hello to Capt-chan
> Tell her you appreciate her hard work
> Give her many pats
> Press send

| heck

| i forgot about that

| There ya go g/u/rls.

| todo:
>use plain text file as todo list

| >>609987
that's exactly what it is. I had an idea and I coded it in 40 mins or so. I'm not gonna start a company with it lol

oh no, someone actually made a full fledged version of it along with a nice website :)) too bad it isn't open source, so my autism stops here

oh no, you remind me of college and powerpoint presentations, my absolute nemeses

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1575612900

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