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Question: If I go to China, can I use any Google related apps with VPN enabled?

| If I go to China, can I use any Google related apps with VPN enabled?

| Yes. Stuffs like Google map and play store works just fine with vpn.
Quite a lot of vpn apps can't be download in China however, so better get them installed before you head to China.

| >>49fb0c thanksss

>Hot sells males

| >>588890
So I just tried using nord vpn on mobile network and it works alright, at least in Shanghai. Not too sure about other places.

>Larry hell abyss

| Don't use any google related apps at all. You can't drive out the devil with the beelzebub.
Problem solved.

| >>589099 solid advice

| Can confirm that you'd need to download the VPN's prior to entering the country. A shitton of websites break when you try to access them from Shanghai because they use google services in some manner, lmao.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1565885889

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