PCI Cards for XP or 2k

| I love midi sounds.
I use a laptop with a dock bay that has pci slot
What soundcards can you recommend?
My current picks are
-Sound Blaster Live 24-bit
-Sound Blaster Audigy 2
-Sound Blaster Live 5.1
-Sound Blaster PCI 128
I know that there are Yamaha sound cards, but idk which ones are worth it.

| what's a midi sound? are blasters safe? Better comer up your laptop so you don't get hit! can I hear it? can you take a video and we can look at your hands and you can make a lil heart? I want to smell you! I love you!!!!

| >>1039345 I might do that.

| >>1039357
Pretty!! I’m excited but you don’t have to if you don’t enjoy it!

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1736483885
