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Thinking of learning arm assembly

| I just have a really big hard on for low level software and really-highly-optimized stuff. x86 assembly seems fun, but there's a lot of archaic stuff that doesn't seem present in arm or risc-v assembly. Thoughts?

| lol

| laugh out loud

| I just don't know. I got a book from the university library on this stuff but I can never focus long enough

| I don't know either. The only experience I have with assembly is TIS100.

| I don't know, no experience with assembly

| iono, no exp

| I tried it once and found it fun but didn't get anywhere - it was a ton of work to interface with anything outside of basic CPU functions and memory. x86 definitely seems like it'd be even more complex without much more reward

| I tried it once and found it fun but didn't get anywhere - it was a ton of work to interface with anything outside of basic CPU functions and memory. x86 definitely seems like it'd be even more complex without much more reward

| Just play TIS100 or any of the Zachtronic games, op. That'll satisfy your need.

| >>1028335
don't listen to this useless advice.

learn real assembly if you got the drive for it because it's 1000 times more rewarding and purposeful than "satisfying your needs" with a video game.

| >>1028345 You can sastisfy my need if you know what I mean ;)

| >>1028352
; ) *kiss* cute comment from a cute gurl

| >>1028345
Spoken by someone who's never had their needs satisfied ;)

Seriously though, sometimes you just need to mess around. Playing a game for that is fine and better than doing nothing at all.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1727162672

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