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I plugged a CRT TV to a laptop

| For old movies. 14" crt is comfy.
I'm a little surprised that it even works given that I'm in Europe, but the HDMI adapter just works.
It's nice. I'll post photos later.

| I'm having issues with overscan, but movies work well.

| I regret throwing out all my CRT TVs now that I got the urge to play old consoles again

| The feeling when laptop have larger display than actual crt xd

| >>1024762 Did they not have internet in the bantustan they deported you to for the duration of the Olympics? Kill yourself.

| Huh??? Gurl is having trouble with her words but A LOT OF US h-have trouble with things please don’t use such mean accusations

| >>1024763 what is bantu? I didn't watch Olympic games tbh

| op here I'm outside atm.
I fixed the overscan. Unfortunately my laptop's Intel HD Graphics doesn't allow for manual screen adjustments on resolutions lower than 1024x768.
I hoped to be able to get at least 800x600 and preferably 640x480 so that system text would be readable. In 768p it's acceptable.

| Games and movies play and look as intended. It's really nice.
Unfortunately the adapter I have is RCA only, because it's a jack in for the hdmi. I am using SCART because I don't like cables on front.
One thing I don't understand is that all media plays in full speed without any input lag.
Early 8bit and 16bit console are notorious for being about 7% slower than on NTSC, and the screen would be squished. This is not the case here. Its just fits. Maybe it's the computer? I don't know

| FYI scart in Europe is an RGB cable, but with interlacing. However it also has RCA fallback mode, which is the case here.

| >>1025083 thought it'd be good to clarify for children and Americans alike

| I'm back.
Here's an album.
I like it.

| >>1025139 the sonic video is before I completely fixed overscanning

| >>1025139
Oh! Fatum Betula mentioned!

| >>1025139
I’m not an enthusiast but this was fun. Thank you for sharing it!

| Damn now I want crt and video tape player to watch evangelion as god intended,in 4:3 on a bootleg vhs

| I remember the old living room crt TV we had when I was a kid, giant ass like 200 pound massive TV. Totally would of tried to keep em but they all broke because they were all used like 10s of thousands of hours.

| I got a new CRT fuck yeah!

| >>1025403 curiously enough, the bigger ones are more prone dying than the smaller ones. May be due to cheaper components in the early 2000s as opposed to the ones from late 80s

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1724588163

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