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hey archs i challenge you!

| Imagine we have x86 computer.. with all components but storage isn't allowed (cpu cache or ram is available of course), we have also lan cable.

Goal is, boot pc and watch youtube video. Is there distro what would you recommend? I can imagine something as Live Ubuntu but I don't know if it's best idea. Concept just is lan pxe. (But you can use other distribution of course if you have better it's just my prefered instead flash or hdd)

| After finding Alpine and lanbpxe i have wild idea.. what about pc without ram?

| so building a network of computers that all only live in ram but every single one is a PXE server that hosts itself as an image.
so as long as one PC is booted all the other ones can boot, but if they all turn off you're fucked, brilliant way to save on hdds

| >>1019674 I mean probably any live environment distro that comes preinstalled with firefox a browser would work. Cause they don't read/write anything to disk unless you choose to manually. (Through installing or making some file and moving it to a hard drive.)

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1720831177

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