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GIMP user question

| Hello, i was learned to use this software over one graphic course and didn't felt motivation to trying anything else. I was working few times with Photoshop too and both worked fine for me. But 2 weeks back i found out about existence of Krita and I'm thinking, it's good tool?

I don't use any plugins, my work is usually just things with masks (adding/removing things), creating memes, resizing content etc.. and I'm thinking does Krita offer same or better features?

| I was on one presentation where was graphic designer talks about CMYK etc. (I never used anything else than RGB) And I'm thinking if it's may better.. i also saw demo with interesting brushes. But somehow I'm thinking as if I won't miss anything if i will start to using it. Or if is there something what will makes me to use GIMP back. Or are there better free graphic editors?

I will be happy with any answer, thank you

| krita is more focused on digital drawing and stuff. it can do some basic editing but u really have to check it out for yourself. i use gimp coz i think doing anything other than drawing in krita is a pain in the ass idk something about the interface annoys me

| GIMP is honestly pretty bad, but if all you do is what you said, there's nothing wrong with it. It's not like you're losing "skills", the important things are tool-agnostic.

I'd recommend Krita if you want to start drawing/painting, but otherwise it's not much better than GIMP.

| >>8040ec
While you can achieve lots of same goals with gimp and krita, gimp is clearly more focused on image manipulation (hence the name) while krita is designed for creating drawings from scratch.

| >>1019940
I think Gimp and Krita are probably the best free (as in freedom) tools for image manipulation/drawing. Can you explain what you find bad about them, and what do you think is better?
Don't forget, that proprietary tools aim to lock their users in and slowly start stealing their work ("AI").

| Well krita is good, but for me, it is not comfortable for work at all. I constantly mix up all the brushes. So I ended coming back to gimp, lol. U can try krita though, maybe you'll like it

| Also what other gurls said. I do memes in gimp and am okay about it. I also draw in it as well

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1721211075

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