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/tech/ is incredibly lively lately

| Pretty amazing to see the rise of this board when the rest of the danger/u/ dying. I'm wondering if all the new threads are made by one very active person

| Even if the threads are, the awnsers are not (holpfully)

| This is the new main now

| >>1015965 lmao fr

| Of course it's still alive. /tech/ is the most autistic board on here

| I'm just responding to myself

| >>1016014 Yeah, just right for the danger/u/ audience

| Ok but don't jinx it

| More people should install arch

| I'm never posting to tech board again

| >>1016177
And just like that... the entire board died.....

| >>1016177 nooo, come talk about why arch suck because of systemd some more

| >>1016193 I'm the anon who talked about it btw

| >>1016149
or Debian, may be Void, and, i guess, a slackware?

When choosing a distro you should take attention mainly on three things: OS initialization subsystem, package management system, the user interface (like DE, or only terminal, or just WM combined with other apps to obtain completely DE functionality).

| >>1016193
It's not so much arch himself who is suck, but the system itself.

| >>1016207
Does user interface actually matter here? I think it's really just the first two.

| >>1016207 you forgot gentoo

| >>1016219 after "waylandfication", actually yes cuz different DEs, implemented wayland protocol in different ways, and kde with wayland expirience may be very different from the one you can have on gnome (if you don't count bugs ofc)

| and I advise nvidia users not to touch wayland at any costs (especially if you have an old card with a 390 drivers)

| >>>no

| >>1016219
Hm, actually do not. But for lazy user it will be.

| >>1016210
Yes, if you mean systemd.

| >>1016239
I do not forgot it. Just I, how to say it softly, I do not like python (and lua, etc). That's why I switched to Void from Arch instead to Gentoo. But it is turn to switch Void to another by some reasons.

| >>1016240
Argh! That wayland, it is one of reasons why I planned to switch Void ti another.

| The client-server idea of Xorg is fine, why we need to combine some functionality into one binary?

| The DRM panic color upsets some people.

| Ew linux. Just suck off Bill Gates tbh.

| >>1016560 ew window, just use huawei tbh. Computer is just a big phone

| >>1016581 ew huawei! Honestly we should just be banging rocks together and making sparks manually. Who needs computer?

| >>1016584
unironically banging rocks is less degenerate thing to do than using computer or phone nowadays

| >>1016609 real as hell

| >>1016609 so true sis. another idea, banging our genital together?

| >>1016560
Go ahead! Keep us informed (no).

| >>1016584
Come on? Do you want to go back to the Stone Age? Go to the mountain to recluse. Without electricity and other benefits of civilization, not to mention a computer. You will come much closer to the desired era.

| >>1016643
Ew, not here!

Total number of posts: 35, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1718676521

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