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| https://imgur.com/a/ydUgzgj

Basically two problems:
<gone tiles
in both screen when the cursor is somewhat centered, all the tiles go to top left, gone completely. i suspect it is the division by zero, but if i am to rely on it visually and technically, as collission, it seeems like terrible problem.

| >abs
both of these things rely on division by (mouse position x + y) which generally only look somewhat nice on the left one since it has abs() on it so i need something else that uh...looks nicer, not abs or ^2 or xor or if else or comparison exp, conditionals, if else, so on, sqrts, something smart that utilizes the variables i set and still produce the same effect.
so to turn the left one that has no abs() to do the sameand such

that'd be all.....


| >abs
*lici lick*

| 50k moment

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1717151616

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