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Best arch based linux distros

| I need am arch based os, and i need it now, if you are a fellow arch user please lmk how ur os is workin out for you, thanks.

-pomu de Familia something idfk

| im not familiar with arch distros i use windows sorry

| just install arch and use archinstall to well... install it. the installer's quite easy to use.
if you "need" something preconfigured with a desktop then idk manjaro??? but apparently it's ass

| Try sex on and off again but with sudo

| >>439410 instructions unclear penis is stuck in a python script.

| Steam os

| At this point I install endeavourOS and then just copy/update the configuration files i want from my old computer, it's the easiest way in my experience

| At this point I install endeavourOS and then just copy/update the configuration files i want from my old computer, it's the easiest way in my experience

| Ubuntu

| >>e3b4eb everything but Manjaro.

| Just pure arch and built it the way you want or, for personal preference, EndeavourOS, last time I used was pretty cool, now I'm using hyprland on arch, is also pretty nice

| >>1013792 I'm prob just gonna do pure arch, ordering a thinkpad laptop for it to do coding work.

| There is no good Arch based distro. Don't believe the hype.

| >>1013491 I'm a gentoo user btw
but I would recommend endeavourOS/pure arch. usually everything else is some niche buggy shit so yeah

| >>1013820 also I would recommend buying a thonkpad only in case if your current hardware is incompatable af and there are no solutions
at least try to install something like mint and play with driver manager or smth.

| it's not that hard, installing mint should probably take something around 15-60 mins depending on hardware and how clumsy you are g/u/rl

| >>1013904 I don't have a laptop, and I want one, also don't have much money, so a thinkpad just seems like the right pick for a 500$ or less laptop

| What's up with manjaro? I slapped it onto a laptop a couple of years ago because I couldn't be bothered and it does the job. It doesn't seem to be any worse than any other distro tbh.

| arch linux

| Hey gurls its me op

I installed base arch linux today

| >>1014105
*kisses you passionately*
*gifts you a new pair of programming socks*

| >>1014105 make love to me <3

| get a room!

| <3

| good now install nixos

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1716583054

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