e-ink monitors

| thinking of getting one to read manga and such but i'm not sure if they're worth their salts

| your first mistake is appraising monitors by their salts, and not their pepperpepperpeppers

| I've never tried it for manga. It's excellent for reading novels, but formatting might mess up a manga, idk.

| They're great for reading and eye strain fairly poor for anything you need response time in so videos, games anything that moves like scrolling etc

| would be convenient for a static display beside main monitor, with a slideshow of interesting things idk

| >>1010906 What, Subway Surfers? Stock prices? Shitcoins? Use a proper monitor for that

| >>1010871 This, my new phone doesn't go dark enough to read manga at night properly, and blasting the blue light filter on it makes the manga look like its set in Mexico.

Also, didn't they make a phone using a e-ink display?

| >>1011007 i think it was one of that overpriced dumb phone things (just get a used nokia smh)

| >>1011007 breaking bad manga when tho

| >>1011007
Some readers like Tachiyomi lets you lower the brightness and gamma even further.

| >>1011095 RIP Tachiyomi though, it still works for now but the API's aren't being updated to its gonna stop eventually, whats a good replacement?

| >>1011189
I don't know to be honest. I've been eyeing Mihon lately but I think it use the same API as Tachiyomi.

| >>1011189 Mihon
there are some other forks but I didn't read about them

| I gave Mihon a try and it's the same as Tachiyomi. Same API, same codebase, same workaround for extentions etc

Gonna check out Kotatsu next because I found it on f-droid.

| >>1011217 I tried Kotatsu before, Tachiyomi, I remember hating it in comparison. I dont remember why but im going to continue to maintain that opinion

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1713029907

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