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when using the linux operating system

| i use the linux operating system and i am unsure if i understand when will it work

| It just work

| >>1003341 there is a best part, it won't

| Stop being a fuckboy.

| Skill issue

| >>1003645 become femboy

| >>1003690 kill yourself

| Just cover your screen with htop, neofetch, cmatrix and pacman -Syu so you can at least pretend that your system is working

| >>1003690 this

| >>1003690 I struggle with computer until this amazing tip, thank you!

| >>1003690 instructions unclear transed my whole ass gender

| I wish I had a friend who was wearing some programming socks to teach me how to rice my fucking system while we rub peens with.

| >>1004120 be the change you want to see in the world

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1708675139

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