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Would you consider yourself as QAnon?

| And if so, what lead you to be one? Did 4chan affected you or other communities? And what are your uncensored opinions? Are there some officially conspiracy theories which makes you mad?

| I became QAnon to take advantage of their gullibility and used money I gathered to "prepare for the upcoming black helicopters at the 'end' of the plandemic" to buy some games and make my garden nicer.
Never tried to convert people tho, didn't want to become a cult leader myself lol.
Lost touch to most of them now that the pandemic is over because I don't really care for the other stuff and it's not fun anymore really.

| cringe

| :(

| Kill all qanon

| >>961565 based

| I think that they are not wrong. Every new news that i read shows that uor society is a big circus where some clown control everything.

| clowns are hot

| What is a Qanon ?

| >>961973 spastic aspie snowflakes

| Believing other people's conspiracies is for educated stupid radio slave hylics
I keep my inner being pure by only trusting intuition portent dream and revelation, all other sources of information are infected by the great adversary as are all things made by man

| Believing other people's conspiracies is for educated stupid radio slave hylics
I keep my inner being pure by only trusting intuition portent dream and revelation, all other sources of information are infected by the great adversary as are all things made by man

| >>962070 saying it twice makes it more convincing

| >>962070 So true bestie! I only believe whats in front of my eyes. Germs? Vaccines? Don't exist. Australia? Mauritania? Yeah, sure globalist woke liberal socialist communist sheeples.

| >>961565 Actually based lmao

| I think you need to be a brain rotted boomer or a retard to fall down the qanon hole.

| >>962217
i get that you're making fun of them for funsies but that's not what they meant. trusting your intuition is not the same as being a "i gotta see it to believe" hylic. actually it's a bit of the opposite.

| >>962217 Hitler lost
Trump lost
Stalin lost
Pitler lost
Xi jinping lost
You may now cope and seethe

| >>962400 Xi Jingping lost???
-999 billion brazillion social credit points + execution scheduled for tommorow

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1688710208

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