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General e(l|r)ections in UK

| So, the conservativ/economic liberal "tory" party won the ellections with their pro-"brexit" clown "boris johnson", while "labour" (social democrats) and the "liberal party" lost seats.
But this is only one side of the coin. In ireland and scotland anti-british and pro european nationalist parties triumphed over british unionist parties. Hopefully the united kingdom will collapse in the order of the brexit and the stupid teabags will suffer and become USAs colony in Europe.

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| Why do you use quotation marks and no capital letters for "boris johnson"? Is it some brit slang we never heard of?

Blimey guvnor, look at the size of his boris johnson!

| >>611424
look at the size of his "russian dick"

| They should have elected Sargoy of akkad, he would save the UK!

| >>611424
"Boris Johnson" was quoted, because it's not clear if he is actually a real person or a fictional character created and played by commedians/satirists ;-)

| >>611599
But why should a rotten and anachronistic piece of shit like the UK be saved?
I would love to see how those "royals" cut down and finally become regular citizens. The scotish, irish and also welsh people deserve independence from London and are welcomed members in the European family. Compared to the angle-saxon scum in england, they have to contribute something valuable to european culture.

| I'm confused as to what kind of legal magic allows the UK goverment to even still be in the EU.
The vote to leave was democratic even if untimley so IMO they shouldof left already and negotiated trade deals or whatever later.
The fact that they have not done so shows what democracy really means in the UK.

| >>611972 likewise with freedom of opinion and privacy, both of which do not exist in the UK because of bullshit Orwellian policies.

| >>611972
The people of greece also voted for leaving the € currency union. But nothing happened.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1576722620

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