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The Philosophy of Antifa

| https://youtu.be/bgwS_FMZ3nQ

| Hey I think the other antifa thread hit the max post number, should we use this as a continuation or should we make one titled something like "thoughts on antifa continued"?

| >>581623 Or we could let it die!
Seriously this topic will never end well, it's just ragefuel

| Or we could discuss the video that OP linked.

| Please, do not talk about my Aunt Tifa, like that. She is a very nice and respectful Auntie.

| >>581626 that's not true. I haven't gotten angry at all, I just enjoy the debate. You don't have to participate if it seems pointless and makes you angry but don't try to put that on people who enjoy it.
>>581629 that makes sense, if OP doesn't want this to be an extension of the other thread then I won't force it. I just thought this post might've been started because the other one hit the limit.

| Antifa doesn't have a solid foundation of thought. Most members aren't from and don't know the environment of those they claim to protect. I've invited multiple antifa dummies to meet with people of color from the Hood and they avoid that like the plague. 1 even claimed his life would be in danger. - Ramirez
P.S if they fight against slavery why do they encourage corporate slavitude of the migrants. Economic slavery. California forces them to live check by check

| The philosophy of a antifa. "My parents won't let me drive the Volvo to school so their fascists. The kid that wants to get their work done is succeeding and my popularity is dwindling so society is fascist. How dare successful people have things ai didn't earn myself, we need communism." According to Nietzsche their basically the same thing as the nazis.

| >>582034 you can still fight for a group of people even if you haven't faced the same injustices that they have, white people fought for the civil rights movement.

and i've never ever met a antifascist who supports corporate slavitude, all the antifascists tend to be anticapitalists.

| >>582209 we're here to talk about the video OP sent, not your delusions of how antifascists think.

| >>582307 *all the antifascists i've met tend to be anticapitalists.

| >>582309 the video is about antifa so any conversation about antifa or relating to antifa is relevant to the discussion about the video.

| >>582307
> be antifascist
> also an anticapitalist
> #smashthefasc on Twitter
> lots of selfies on Instagram
> has latest apple IPhone
> only goes to hipster joints and Starbucks
> posts everything they do on Facebook
> "lol, these capitalists are so gross with their consumerism, let's meet up on the mall my dad's paying for the lattes"
> let's buy some shakes to throw at fascists, companies that sell shakes are on our side!

They sure make Karl Marx proud

| ^that characterization is absolutely hilarious and I'll never be able to imagine them as anything else again.

| >>582395

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

This is a pretty common (and hilariously accurate) depiction of most keyboard warriors, lmao.

| >>582395 nice strawman, i've never met an antifascist who actively believes that companies are on their side.

also, even if the rest was true, it still doesn't disvalue their beliefs since there's no ethical consumption under capitalism. and it's a stupid and ridiculous thing to try and ask someone to avoid capitalism, since they would die if they did that.

and most antifascists i know don't talk about their actions on any social media.

| >>582395 nice strawman, i've never met an antifascist who actively believes that companies are on their side.

also, even if the rest was true, it still doesn't disvalue their beliefs since there's no ethical consumption under capitalism. and it's a stupid and ridiculous thing to try and ask someone to avoid capitalism, since they would die if they did that.

and most antifascists i know don't talk about their actions on any social media.

| and i know you're gonna say "oh, i wonder why they would die if they avoid capitalism HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?"

the answer isn't anything but capitalism = bad, it's because the society and economy that we live in doesn't accommodate for people who don't spend money, may it be because they don't have the money to spend or they just don't want to spend it.

i don't understand why someone should have to have money in order to be able to have the right to live.

| Are we even talking about the same antifa? Because the one I know rallies on the web and is excessively active on social media, the complete opposite of what you're claiming...

| Or maybe you have an askew vision of their true identity, it happens I used to fawn over Anonymous thinking they were awesome super hackers and refused to believe they were actually just autistic 4channers for a veeeeeery long time.

If that's the case soon you'll see the truth and it will be devastating, like discovering Santa Claus isn't real. It hurts a lot at first and then you start wondering how you didn't notice it with all the proof all around.

| >>582478 >>582482 someone clearly didn't read what i said very well...

i said "most" antifascists i know don't talk about their actions on social media, of course there are ones that do.

though, i still haven't met a single antifascist who actually believes corporations are on their side.

| The fact remains that antifascists don't actually have much to do in a country that isn't currently fascist.

| >>582532 they do when there are fascists in that country.

| Yea, like assaulting people and causing trouble for regular people while the fascists ignore them.

| What's the problem with fascists, though? They just think different, and arent' differences not bad but good?
You know, if those antifascists weren't just some emotionally-driven kids believing in a romantic utopia based on marxism where everything is perfect and the "capitalist devil" doesn't exist, when reality is way different from that and not everything would go as they think, I would think different about them.

| >>583101 tell me what's good about fascism

| >>583101
>What's the problem with fascists
Their ideologies directly, officially and honestly allows and demands the physical elimination of people that think or branded to be different. Also mass murdering, enslavement and starting wars are necessarily inherent to fascist ideologies.
>They just think different
That's a clear understatement of what they actually think.
>and arent' differences not bad but good?
No, differences aren't inherently good.

| >>583101
>You know, if those antifascists weren't just some emotionally-driven kids believing in a romantic utopia based on marxism
Fascists are anti-marxists and social darwinists. From time to time they use capitalism-criticizing rhetorics and disguise as "socialists", but always determined by their social-darwinist, nationalistic, religious fundamentalistic, racist and chauvinist lies.

| >>583101
In the end of the day, fascists stand on the paylists of banksters, industrialists, conservatives and last but not least the military-industrial complex. Fascists job is to prevent socialism/communism and save the capitalists asses by dividing the working masses with their stupid but effective lies. Fascists are both, traitors and enemys of the working class and the natural allies of the capitalists.

Total number of posts: 29, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1564145919

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