So is trump/musk just doing what they want?

| Thrashing government departments with no oversight, senate approval or anything while getting milk drinkers to run take over federal devisions and ignoring court orders.

It's insane when presidents have been impeached and sacked for less but this melting faced mother fucker and his south African junkie master can do anything they like.

| Even if you are conservative leaning you should be angry at them having no respect for law and order or even the right abandoning any virtue as they are cuckolded to this man and desire for power.

| You have 16 year old now with us nuclear secrets. Trump causing plane crashes and a return to 60s segregation policies.

But it does feel like peak Steve bannon flood the zone with shit tactics on speed.

| I'm a britfag so I don't have a horse in this but I worry this form of lawless government is coming here with Musk trying to prop up reform UK and Starmer being too braindead to understand the thread.

Also the fact Musk is torching US soft power and Trump wanting to get rid of NATO that Putins gonna have free raign to go shopping for countries he wants to invade.

| > a return to 60s segregation policies

Let’s goooooooooo

| They should make slavery a thing again

| through internet

| they kicked musk out of south africa, so now musk is going to kick the blacks out of america
it's called poetry sweaty

| yeah wtf?! he should have done literally nothing like biden smh smh

| >>1043527 No, he's never met a nice South African
And that's not bloody surprising, man
'Cause we're a bunch of talentless murderers
Who smell like baboons

| I've had a close encounter of the 22nd kind
That's when an alien spaceship disappears up your behind
I've got directory enquiries after less than forty rings
I've even heard a decent song by Paul McCartney's Wings
I've seen a flying pig in a quite convincing wig
But I've never met a nice South African

| No, he's never met a nice South African
And that's not bloody surprising, man
'Cause we're a bunch of ignorant loudmouths
With no sense of humour

| >>1043527 Alright but how the fuck does this make my groceries cheaper, reddit retard?

| Didn't he defend h1b visas? Muskrat loves recruiting cheap foreign labour to run his companies.

Fell for it again.

| Trump took egg;_;

| The eggs are not getting cheaper lmao
The chuds voted for the right to die for Israel KEKKKKK
Oh! And for banning anti(zionism)semitism too!

| as an outsider looking into the US poltics, holy shit you guys must be in a complete disarray of incompetent leaders right now.

how the system is fucking general public up is beyond what should be allowed in any 1st world country.

| Like they want to become an autocracy like putins russia but are too stupid and inpatient so they are going wreaking ball mode with unchecked executive power.

Just being to do as you please with unlimited EOs is monarchy shit and didn't America fight to get away from being run by one?

| >>1043878
How was Pitler more patient and smarter?
The Americans hundreds of years ago are not the same as the ones now. People are silly when they say they’re the same as groups they happen to belong to. As I understand the constitution, the president has wild power over the executive branch, but it’s supposed to be very small. Most power is supposed to be with states and most diplomacy is supposed to be with Congress I believe. We don’t follow it, probably for good reason idk.

| they should have gay sex tbf

| I want to know why you people, having rights like being allowed to have guns for any reason you want, aren't using these rights on the politicians breaking your constitution

| Because I’d die and there’s no one to replace me. If you can give me 3 kids and ensure they’ll grow up with my values, sure.

| >>1044059 Weird flirt, but ok! 3 kids it'll be

| cool story bro, source?

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1739895339

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