You really think politicians are real?

| modern presidents such as Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and older presidents going back as Abe Lincoln and George Washington... You really think they're different people? Think again. The Illuminati is a successful conspiracy because it only has 1 member, and that member is an immortal being that can disguise itself in many forms. All presidents are the same entity in disguise, its name is Cthulhu. This is the real truth behind 7/11 they don't want you to know.

| Oh that makes sense. They act and look so different from everyone I know

| they are my bro

| Politics arent real. Get out of here with your conspiracy theory bullshit

| >>1038534 I mean if they ran the world they're doing a shit job considering how divided we are and the rise of populist hacks advocating isolationism

| >>1038699 just saying if I was part of an elite conspiracy group advocating global government and enlightment I'd do a better job.

| They are freestyling global domination and its working (kinda)

| I think we should form the illuminati for real and rejoin the world.

Join me and become elites.

| I didn’t choose you in deus ex and I don’t chose you now!!!

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1736069989

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