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Why Israel attack Lebanon?

| Is this country somehow important for palestine terrorists? Or what motives Israel have?

| y u care? read the news

| israel won't rest until every single brown person in the middle east is dead

| >>1028328 i read /new/
>>1028330 but why Lebanon and not palestine or Iran? I thought Lebanon was not attached

| >>1028434
>why not palestine
they're already killing all the brown people in palestine, keep up
>why not iran
bit far innit. they have to kill all the brown people in iraq first at a minimum.

| >>1028436 palestine is inside Israel so i understand.. i know about Iran conflict because of it too.. but Iraq and Israel isn't in war (yet at least) no?


| I don't know how to react to this war. On one side it's bad, because the jews are winning. On the other side it's great, because the muslims are getting blown up

| >>1028534
Uhm actually their phonecians not Arabs


Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1727328327

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