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does harris inherit bidens psionic warriors

| since biden is stepping diwn as candidate does this meal harris will inheret control of his psionic warriors or are they specific to biden.

| do you drool while you speak?

| OP is in desperate need for friends to talk to. Any takers?

| she would need to kill him in an ancient ritual battle. only then will the Psionic Warrior Hivemind Supergeneral forge a telepathic bond with her(since she won and inherited the power) and then she can command them all. at least thats what i heard

| >>1021096
Me! Me! Choose me OP! I’ll do anything….

I think the psyonic warriors are made up to seem strong, and I’m trying to become a Russian bot but American by stabbing sharpened pencil leads under my skin so the graphite becomes a new layer, but it hurts so I only do 1 every few days

| idk I don't vote for women

| >>19ce83 ok what does that have to do with anything you stupid fuckijg nonce its not about voting is it its about the campaign and psionic warriora whether yuo voting or not doesnt fucking afect it does it she either has tyem or not you dont need to vote for women to know if she fucking has them or jot are yoy fucking twelve why did you even bother writing that out ullyou useless stupid fucking cunt child

| >>1021095
This doesn't answer OP's question, prick. Keep being influenced by Brandon's psionic waves.
Fuck off.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1721938208

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