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from the river to the sea

| Palestine will be free

cope and seeth anon

| Going to turn all of Israel and Palestine land into a nuclear waste zone so no one gets to have it

| Israel's days are numbered.

| As Twitter scum jump on the Palestine bandwagon, you will see the contrarian spirit of online shitheads kick in and they will feign nuance on what should be a pretty clear cut issue. Such is the world.


| (btw, what's Palestine?)

| Fuck why stop at Israel?Just fire all the nukes,let's get this show started

| Queers for Palestine is like chickens for KFC

| >>eed564 go do your homework

| >>1015908 Have you?

| >>1015934 graduated already, i currently work a job and contribute to society some amount 8)

| >>1015941 how's life at the carpet shop?

| Damn I want a carpet but with my tiled computer/shower room set up it wouldn’t work

| Oh no it's I shit on the floor gurl

| >>1015993
I can’t shit on the floor-shit doesn’t wash away good and the smell lingers.

| >>1015784 just like as not recognized country would have access to nuclear weapons xd Israel have good connections with NATO, palestine didn't. Israel government assume have nuclear weapons, palestine don't have official government with that access. Palestine only hope is if will conflict join Russia, but Russia is already busy with Ukraine now, or may Iran but i don't think will really do.

| So "palestine" only hope is that there will be weak Israel government and would give up of own land to stop civil war, other countries would force Israel to stop (but it's not looks like they really want to) or.. i have no idea honestly, you can suggest me if you think something else. But rarely revolutionerists and terrorists wins, it's just sadly another massacre which wouldn't need to happen if people followed status quo.

| >>1016135 You know the drill by now. Kill yourself immediately.

| >>1016163 don't worry, no one want kill me in first world.

| Too many Hebrews abound

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1718438959

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