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Ukraine pushes for direct NATO involvement in war

| >Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky chided NATO states this week for their unwillingness to directly join the fight against Russia.
>Zelensky added that he would welcome any plans to send NATO soldiers to support Ukraine’s war effort on the ground.

| why does the collective west owe ukraine anything
it didn't do shit about georgia getting invaded, it certainly shat all over the other ones (shoutouts to the us funded civil war in tajikistan)
inb4 putinbot, shut the fuck up my groceries are up 100% while the ceo of raytheon is masturbating furiously

| >>1014335
We don't owe ukraine anything. We chose to get involved and help ukraine because you(yes, you) are so bad at trolling inane anime forums we would rather spend billions of euros to make you feel like the worthless crybaby you are. Enjoy being cucked by your corrupt terrorist government, vatnic cuck.

Yes, you slavs are so cucked it needs to be mentioned twice.

| >>1014343 most intellectual queer discourse

| Nuke both countries

| Revenge at all costs
Let's fucking gooooo !!!!
Total Moscovian Destruction NOW !!
Initiate Cyber-Prigozhin-Protocol. Necro-Navalny domination. Nation wide Kazan Phenomenon NOW!

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1716799021

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