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Anyone explain the appeal of gabber music?

| Like of if I was in a marketing class what would be the persona of a gabber enjoyer.

| Late teens to early 30s. Race will be a cross-section of westoid society. Appeal to tech and drug use, and whatever is cool in those two circles. Generally if you just copypaste your understanding of ravers you will not be very wrong.

| underground raves nyc, poppers, wishing you could do hakken better, repeat ^_^

| Interesting, I had the impression it was more anti-social sort of like denpa. Where the YouTube poop quality was the enjoyment because it was so off from mainstream.

| >>991207 I think your just confusing it the stuff you'd see in the current wave of DnB. Gabber seems like a specific subculture that was a zeitgeist thing in Europe in the late 90's

| its great.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1703903571

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