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Spotify playlist for Va-11 Hall-A like music

| I wanted to know if our message board had a playlist for cyberpunk game like music. And if it's a youtube playlist thats cool too. I JUST WANT MORE FUTURE FUNK MUSIC

| >>980564
I still have an old Spotify list from a previous g/u/rl that was collaborative once. I think they also made a youtube one but I’m not sure.


I’ll try to see if i have the youtube playlist


| did somebody say... danger/u/ community playlist? playlist g/u/rl here! we've got a youtube playlist at the link below. g/u/rls can add to the playlist themselves, or ask me to on their behalf. ( ^.^)/


| also went ahead and made a spotify version of the community playlist (it's missing a few tracks, but that's just how it goes).


Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1697568604

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