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More Va11 hall-a ost

| I wanna open up danger to welcome to glitch city opening theme, can we import more of the ost into the app?

| what app

| i get its a reference to the game but like

| >>967907 the Danger/u/ mobile app has (some of) the Va11 Hall-A OST loaded so you can listen to it while shitposting

| Specifically: the app has the confusingly named 'Second Round' album containing the majority of the soundtrack, but doesn't have the prologue's 'Sounds From The Future' or the bonus tracks collection

| That said, IMO if you want to listen to the full OST alongside Danger/u/ it's better (and less legally dubious) to just grab the 3 albums for yourself. You can't sync them with the app that way, but you get to hear them in your music player of choice

| Pretty sure we got permission to use the soundtrack for the app way back. Though it's possible to add more songs, they'd probably have to ask for permission again, and frankly I'm just thankful we were initially allowed to add any at all.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1691694333

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