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| Give me your favourite adlibs from any song, artist or genre

| What is adlib

| Adlib Abdul Hammid

| >>964863
When people say shit in the background of a track. Like how when the Migos was still doing shit together one of them would be rapping while another one would be yelling "mama" or some shit in the background

| yeat is 1000% the goat of adlibs
really loving the adlibs on this one recently: https://youtu.be/WiMCjqZK6t8

and here's just an amazing hidden gem: https://youtu.be/GhPCjXIDltA

| >>964876
Idk about GOAT but they go hard af for sure. Definitely top tier out of current artists

| >>964872 raping while rapping

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1690140072

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