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| Howmuch chord do you need to know to play anime songs like animenz.

| I dont exactly know what you mean

| Scale first, animu songs dont usually go outside playing around 13579 minor major

| Even if they do it will be something like sus(haha amoung us funny)

| >>952751 shhh
>>952752 can u show. Mspaint

| Try inverse and different set of velocity

| >>952756 >vel
Nvr heard ofthis

| >>df7150
You would be better off to read those in yt

| >>df7150
Super important, a lots of chord sounds off could just be how you hit it.

| Its seriously not hard once you get it and the fun part to experiment how to bring your gay shit feeling in to melody.

| >>952759 read alot. Link me something i havent know.
>>952760 guess so. I m on th basic.
>>952761 that seems like a composition thing. I m doing forhobby.

| >>df7150
Fuck I read the question wrong

| Piano transcription

| you would still need to figure out the scale, bpm of the song, above applies plus to observe how the song play around the chord progression.

| >>952763 wh
>>952764 thats like... everything else. Whats fun to practice then? Not musically trained.

| >>952765 >scale >bpm im all good. Just try to grasp the song, composition? Better.

| it would feel impossible first two month but you will get use to it.

| One important note here: to list out all musical instruments played, and to basically just copy the arrangement in a midi editor.

| Are you expecting you could just jump in and improvise the song without analysing?

| Noone is that gifted op this is not animu

| >>df7150
what the fuck are you talking about.

| >>952768 its been a year
>>952770 well thats why
>>952771 zzzzzz
>>952772 teach me on improvising then

| >teach me on improvising
I dont have that skill, but what I heard is to bookmark patterns and chord you like and record sections, you like jazz?

| >>952783 >record sections
Well we got the entire thing so it s just about being more fluent. Or correct, isnt it?

| >>df7150
You can stay randomly press notes if you want.

| quit

| >>952802 i could but it sounded shit

Total number of posts: 27, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1682144995

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