Post number #1041863, ID: 95c9ef
Most tracks are made for tiktok distribution, and that makes them just plain awful
Post number #1041884, ID: 0c4c65
they're made for car radios you internet addict
Post number #1041904, ID: d426c3
>>1041884 you're clearly not interesting. I agree with OP.
Post number #1041963, ID: 2f647d
You gotta look harder, g/u/rl. There’s some great artists coming out, but if you limit yourself to what’s easily accessible you will be disappointed.
Post number #1041992, ID: 07c92a
You gotta make your own, g/u/rl. There’s a great artist inside you, but if you limit yourself to searching you will be disappointed.
Post number #1041999, ID: 9db5b8
retard doesn't know where to find good music lmao.
Post number #1042005, ID: eacb71
what genres do you like?
Post number #1042052, ID: 4eb759
it's a symptom of being born in the wrong generation disorder. You should see a doctor
Post number #1042074, ID: 51a3d5
Mainstream music got worse because of people who listen to it in the background when working. Lyrics can't be complicated, same with the tune, the melody has to loop fairly early on with just some minor differences here and there. Pick some mainstream songs from 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s and 2010s and you'll see what I mean. Nowadays your only option are indie releases since they're allowed to not abide by the rules established by big music companies that control the industry.
Post number #1042077, ID: e316d3
for a very long time the way most people listened to music was either over cheap radios or in the car and car manufacturers tend to skimp on the speakers, so there was no need to have depth to your music because it would've been lost anyway. instead mainstream music was tailored to sound as "good/crisp" as it can on cheap devices which meant a narrow range of sound frequency to chose from aka everything sounds fucking flat.
Post number #1042078, ID: e316d3
its basically a cultural heritage born out of layers of corp profit margins that influenced our music still today.
not that it matters to me. its not like its hard to find good music that fits your taste. say what you want about youtubes algorithm but if youre into psychedelic/space/stoner rock then the algorithms fucking amazing
Post number #1042079, ID: e316d3
>>1042074 i think i heard somewhere back in the 00s that 80%+ of mainstream hit songs all use the same 4 chords in different arrangements. at least there were some mainstream bands on radio like blur and gorillaz that broke the mold though
Post number #1042181, ID: f42a83
Just listen to KGLW, don't need any other band
Post number #1042336, ID: 12e62d
this true but also not u just gotta actually dig around
Total number of posts: 14,
last modified on:
Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1738388260
| Most tracks are made for tiktok distribution, and that makes them just plain awful