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what do you look for in music

| looking to start making music, specifically chiptunes (gb) and I want to know what kind of things you girls like. obv lyrics are a nogo, but do u like punchy rhythms or more melodic stuff?

| you have four channels. two squares, one wave, one noise. the follin brothers composed the plok soundtrack with 8, and they did the tech equivalent of a cave with a box of scraps. you're in the year 2024, have documentation of the hardware inside and out, and enough instructional material to rival the yearly tutorial output of the country of india.

get off your knees, you sniveling wretch, and put lyrics in your music.

| >get off your knees you sniveling wretch, and put some lyrics in your music.

first off, snivelling and wretch are great word. thanks for using them

second, i enjoy the challenge of working with limitations

third, my smooth brain barely has the creativity for 3 tone channels

fourth, i just don't like lyrics

so, mind answering my actual question?

| i enjoy a strong female vocal.

| ....honestly not sure what I expected.

| wanna send some music recommendations anyway? always looking to expand my tastes. about the only things I don't like are country and thrash metal

| I play competitive musical chairs for living. And lyrical miracle spiritual individual songs are rarely used. So, its more rhythms and melodies for me.

| lmao.

| thanks for the... how the hell is COMPETITIVE MUSICAL CHAIRS A JOB?

but seriously thanks for the tip.

i wonder just how limited LSDJs wave channel is, i know there is a track that does vox synthesis using it, but not much. (hyper hyper hyperspace by flippendo) makes me wonder how much lyric-ing i can get away with

| >>1022219
>posts french rap
i think i would like this more if i knew french. the tight melody is nice tho
>posts touhou song
figures, but its a nice enough track

| ope, meant >>1022218

| >>1022219

Your hyper hyper hyperspace by flippendo has woken me up. I will recommend you a song that I have on my playlist:

| >>1022223 thanks! ill have to check that out! -OP

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1722654797

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