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And you don't seem to understand...


| Don't worry i saw SEL and i readed SICP, and understood Touhou, now i can conjure spitits out of computer and i can understand everything

| >>5d1a98 lol tits :) lol.

| Whats sicp?

| Don't worry i saw [———————] and i readed SCP, and understood [——————], now i can [——————] out of computer and i can understand everything


| >>978685 Can you undersatand S#X?

>>979188 Can you understand [????????]

| A shame you seemed an honest man~

| And all the fears you hold so dear will turn to whisper in your ear

| And you know what they say might hurt you,
And you know that it means so much。

| >>979191 do yo mean 7777#22?? Yes

| I am bowling

| I am ballin

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1697332695

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