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Present day

| Present time

| And you don't seems to understand

| Presents day?! Yayy!!
Please give me my presents! Lain said it's Present time!
So it's time for my presents!

| I am balling ;-;

| >>963741 no silly! We give presents to Lain to show our love. Lets all love Lain!

| Thank you for your presents

| present day is held virtually this year

| >>963787 you don't look like Lain... Hum you're pretty sus... Return the presents now!

| >>963834 I'm Lain, can fake Lain do this? Running away with present

| >>963836 NooooOoOoooo!!!! She is running away with the presents!!

| Crime in glitch city... How new

| >>963725 a shame you seemed an honest man

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1689426068

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