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Manifesto of the Second Industrial Revolution

| https://www.darkacidangel.xyz/

| Lazy op is fricking lazy

| lmao the second industrial revolution started like 100 years ago with mass productionand assembly lines. we are living the 4th industrial revolution right now. op doesn't know shit and is probably a webdev

| So the OP did confuse the cyberpunk roleplay board for the cyberpunk board huh?

| The actual technological/economical revolutions we had and have:
1. neolithic revolution
2. agricultural revolution
3. industrial revolution
4. informatical revolution

| The neolithic revolution transformed the human societies from gaining economics (hunters and gatherers) into a producing society.
The agricultural revolution gave humanity feudalism.
The industrial revolution brought us capitalism.
And the informatical revolution once may bring communism. :-P

| But actually we are stucked in capitalism and have on a global level two dystopian models competing with each other:
- eastern autocracies with an Orwellian approach.
- western "democracies" (which in fact are techno-, ochlo- or pluto-cracies) with a more "brave new world" alike approach.
They all try to cut the potential of the informatical revolution either by restricting it with capitalist logic ("mental property") and use it as totalitarian surveillance and control tool.

| The world is not but a cycle yet you all think technology and the simplest of political beliefs will change everything into a utopia or dystopia.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1576817279

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